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We've found 420 voice artists which match your requirements. For more information, or to book a session, call us on 0131 555 2288 or send us an email.

Isobella Jarrett - Voice Over Artist Red Facilities

Isobella Jarrett

Really engaging and warm.

Stuart Hepburn voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Stuart Hepburn

Colourful, warm and natural.

Naomi Cornwall

Totally natural and enthusiastic.

Marissa Keltie voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Marissa Keltie

Caring, empathetic and warm.

Toni Frutin voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Toni Frutin

Clear, warm and thoroughly lovely.

Paul Young - voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Paul Young

Instantly recognisable, charming and warm.

Tania Dron

Husky and streetwise Fifer.

Heidi Docherty

Quirky, funny and believable.

Stewart Porter voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Stewart Porter

Smoky and thoroughly entertaining.

Monica Gibb

Paul Pirie - voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Paul Pirie

Highly characterful. Quirky and slightly husky.

Helen Mcalpine - Voice Over Artist Red Facilities

Helen Mcalpine

Small and perfectly formed. Helen’s simply magic.

Martin McCormick voiceover actor - Red Facilities

Martin McCormick

Straight talking and assured westcoaster.

Sarah Gudgeon voiceover actor

Sarah Gudgeon

Quirky, fun and full of energy.

Vari Sylvester voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Vari Sylvester

Talented, versatile and engaging.

Fiona MacKinnon - scottish voiceover artist

Fiona MacKinnon

Commanding, trustworthy and assured.

Victoria Liddele voiceover artist - Red Facilities

Victoria Liddele

Soft, bright and all together wonderful. Great reader.

Carolyn Konrad

Husky, warm and natural.

Alan Sharp

Quirky, wholesome and really interesting.

Fiona Francis - Voice Over Artist Red Facilities

Fiona Francis

Smooth, warm and natural. Slightly husky.